Celebrity photos, video or just information - all could be valuable !!

You may have video or photographs of a celebrity having fun or being mischievous. Perhaps you have information about a celebrity that would be of interest. Don't wait - send us that video, those photographs or that information immediately - time is money!

Sending to us

Email your information, your video or photographs and we will look at it and let you know, by return, our thoughts. We can then discuss the options with you and if you are happy to go ahead we will, in the case of video and images, market them as your agent to newspapers, magazines and prime websites worldwide.

Exclusive / Non-exclusive

If you believe your video/images are Exclusive send them to ONE AGENCY ONLY (preferably Goff!) as we can generate bigger fees if they are exclusive.


Information will generally be rewarded on what it produces. But, regular 'Tippers' can expect on average 10% of the sales but can be up to 20% or more for the 'Big Ones'.


Pictures and Video

Tips and Information Telephone
Tel: +44 (0)1243 606595
Copyright © 2015 Goff Photos